[T]he West’s energy security is assured to a degree that has not existed in the past. That’s good news for the American people and for the world, even if it is not news that Obama wants to hear. He doesn’t? I wonder how that author knows this? Any chance it’s instead just a variation of the same let’s-not-consider-facts-and-instead-just-make-stuff-up-to-“prove”-our-point-and-keep-the-followers-properly-agitated strategy? With a century’s worth of cheap, practical energy in hand, the global economy has a good chance of expanding. A “good chance”?! And that would be based on … what? What if we actually had meaningful discussions about the assertions contained in ExxonMobil’s “The Outlook for Energy: A View to 2040” report which the author of the above-quote focused on [in one of the two articles which serve as the foundation of this series]? What if it was finally agreed that just firing off assertions based on little more than […]