Margarita Mediavilla and her coworkers have performed extensive simulations of the future using system dynamics models, (see here) . One of their scenarios, called “Scenario 3,” is based on the hypothesis of a return to national competition, protectionism, deglobalization, and the like. In comparison to other scenarios, Scenario 3 is the least expensive in terms of the energy required, but also the most environmentally damaging. And, with Trump’s election, it seems that we are heading exactly in that direction. What else would you have expected? (UB) The victory of Donald Trump, as well as so many things that have been happening in recent years (the rise of the extreme right wing in Europe, the fall of Asian trade, the Brexit, the war in Syria and Yemen), shows that we are following the path of what we called Scenario 3. It could not be in a different way since our […]