Our friends at Institute for Energy Research shared this guest post with us, which was written by their founder and CEO, Robert Bradley, Jr. and recently published in Forbes . Warning: low-cost, clean energy may be hazardous to your health . Or so say environmental activists who will trot out any line of attack in their crusade against fossil fuels. For years, the green movement has spread falsehoods about hydraulic fracturing — or fracking — the practice of unlocking hydrocarbons by injecting high-pressure liquid deep into the earth. Lately, the leave-it-in-the-ground lobby has doubled down on its mission to thwart the latest oil and gas extraction techniques. But research consistently shows that fracking is a secure — and economically savvy — form of energy production. Banning it, as New York State and Maryland have done, hurts economies — and the environment. False Issues Critics have recently blamed fracking for […]