The chairman of the General Board of Kurdistan Areas outside the Kurdistan Region Administration discusses efforts to hold the referendum in areas outside formal KRG control, and expectations of Iraqi security forces afterward. Nasraddin Sayid Sindi, the chairman of the General Board of Kurdistan Areas outside the Kurdistan Region Administration, in his office in Erbil on June 19, 2017. (RAWAZ TAHIR/Iraq Oil Report) ERBIL – Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) officials have never been shy about their claims to territory outside its formal borders recognized by the federal government and United Nations. The KRG has for years deployed Peshmerga and other security forces in territory that falls within the provincial boundaries of Salahaddin, Diyala, Kirkuk and Ninewa provinces. In some of these areas, the KRG provides services like fuel and electricity and other administrative functions. This content is for registered users. Please login to continue. If you are not a […]