Both generating units at Florida Power & Light’s Turkey Point nuclear plant south of Miami were shut over the weekend as Hurricane Irma moved along Florida’s coast, while one reactor at its two-unit St. Lucie plant, also located on the Florida coast, shut Monday after the storm had passed. Crews are working to restart all three units, a process that can take about a day, FPL President and CEO Eric Silagy said during a press briefing Monday. One unit, the 885-MW Turkey Point-3, was shut preventively on Saturday, at which point the utility decided not to shut the Turkey Point-4 unit, also 885 MW, when new forecasts suggested there would not be hurricane-force winds at the site in Homestead, Florida. It is a regulatory requirement that the units be shut at least two hours before such winds. However, in a report to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission on Sunday, […]