The original shale gas play, the one that kicked off the shale drilling bonanza a decade ago but then went into decline, is getting a new lease on life. The Haynesville Shale, which straddles the Texas-Louisiana border, has seen a resurgence in natural gas production, after years of neglect. The Haynesville Shale is one of the founding fathers of the modern shale drilling boom. A decade ago, fracking unleashed a wave of natural gas production as hundreds of rigs piled into northwestern Louisiana. But the surge in production pushed down prices, which had been high and relatively volatile for years. The crash in prices meant that shale drillers moved on to greener pastures, and most of them began looking for oil rather than gas because crude fetched $70 to $80 per barrel. By then, the Marcellus Shale was just beginning to ramp up, boasting rock-bottom costs of production. The […]