Thanks to robust economic growth, Germany’s total primary energy consumption is expected to have increased by 0.8 percent this year, with oil and natural gas share rising and nuclear and coal share dropping off, according to German research group AG Energiebilanzen (AGEB). Oil and natural gas will have boosted their combined share to 58.3 percent of the energy mix of Europe’s biggest economy in 2017, AGEB’s preliminary data showed on Thursday. Mineral oil maintains its top position as the single largest primary energy source in Germany, with a share of 34.6 percent, up from 33.9 percent last year. In petroleum use, consumption of gasoline and diesel increased by 2 percent compared to 2016, kerosene use rose by 0.7 percent, light heating oil use went up 2 percent, and naphtha consumption in the chemical industry increased 7 percent, according to AGEB. Natural gas consumption increased by 5.2 percent, and natural […]