The United Kingdom (UK) is the second-largest producer of oil and the third-largest producer of natural gas in OECD Europe. United Kingdom (UK) oil and natural gas production have grown on average almost 9% and 4% per year, respectively, from 2014 through 2016. Among European countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the UK was the second-largest producer of petroleum and other liquids in 2016; only Norway produced more. The UK was the third-largest producer of natural gas in OECD Europe, surpassed only by Norway and the Netherlands . High oil and natural gas prices through late 2014 encouraged high levels of investment in the industry and have led to recent production increases. However, since then prices and investment have declined, and production is likely to return to its long-term declining trend. The UK is the fifth-largest economy in the world in terms of gross domestic […]