Hundreds of residents took to the streets of the Geziratelfil district of Wad Madani, capital of El Gezira, on Tuesday evening to demonstrate in protest against the fuel crisis, rise of prices and lack of basic commodities. Cattle are dying of thirst in White Nile state. One demonstrator told Radio Dabanga that the protestors moved around the district carrying banners demanding the departure of the regime and denouncing the crises and the hike of prices. He explained that the opposition forces in Wad Madani launched a campaign by formulation of statements, formation of committees of resistance in the districts, and writing slogans on the walls denouncing the situation. Rabak in the White Nile state is suffering from a severe water crisis and power cuts and ongoing fuel crisis. Abdelrahman El Siddig told Radio Dabanga from Rabak that “The fuel crisis has led to a […]