If our longer-term goal is to reduce the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (which produces climate change) — there are only four ways to do it. 1) Reduce or eliminate the use of fossil fuels. 2) Continue using fossil fuels but remove CO2 during or after the combustion process and store it as we would a toxic substance. 3) Plant vegetation that absorbs the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. 4) Take it out of the atmosphere and either put it somewhere or make use of it. (As an aside, we should point out one of the more ingenious uses of locally sourced CO2 of which many Oilprice readers are no doubt aware: to enhance oil recovery from fields long past their prime. “Flooding” the field with CO2 provides easier access for drillers.) Geoengineering, as our fourth carbon reduction option is called, has, until recently, seemed both unpopular […]