All US data is from the EIA. Unless otherwise noted is in thousand barrels per day. US C+C production through April, 2018. For the last 8 months, the average increase in US production has been 168,000 bpd. Most of this has come from the Permian. This chart is through February, 2018. US net imports peaked in 2006 and have dropped about 9.5 million barrels per day since then. Alaska through March, 2018. Alaska’s decline has definitely slowed. GOM through March . The resurgence in GOM production seems to have petered out about a year and a half ago and is now holding at about 1.7 million barrels per day. North Dakota through March . Has shale production peaked in North Dakota? It does appear that they are having trouble increasing production in the last six months. Texas through March , All that […]