US stripper wells, which produce an average of less than 15 b/d, account for more than 80% of all US oil wells, roughly the same percentage from nearly two decades ago, but account for a much smaller share of overall US oil output, according to US Energy Information Administration ata released Monday. Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now As US oil production reached new records, stripper wells remained a large portion of overall US oil wells, but high-producing wells account for a far larger percentage of overall production than they did back in 2000 as average output from stripper wells has dipped, the data shows. Since 2000, the number of US stripper oil wells has grown from about 319,500 wells, or about 85% of all wells at the time, to nearly 352,000 wells in 2017, about 81% of all US oil […]