Highlights Cooperative approach can cut costs, increase ambition Almost 200 countries to meet in Katowice, Poland, for climate talks London — An international system of emissions trading between nations could cut the cost of meeting global climate targets by nearly $1 trillion, the International Emissions Trading Association said in a report Wednesday, ahead of United Nations climate talks in Katowice, Poland, starting Sunday. Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now “This year, we began to see the first economic analysis of the value of Article 6,” said IETA CEO Dirk Forrister, in reference to the Paris Agreement’s article, which sketches out a framework for countries to trade emissions reductions internationally. “It shows the potential of Article 6 to lower costs — making higher ambitions possible” Forrister said in the report. “The initial assessments by the Joint Global Change Research Institute at the University of […]