Earlier this year, Elainy Portela watched with alarm as measles reappeared with a vengeance. Telltale red rashes covered six children near her home in Manaus, just off the highway used by Venezuelans escaping misery at home. The highly contagious airborne disease was declared vanquished here 18 years ago. In March, the city had four possible cases. But by early October, there were nearly 1,000 people with measles here and about 2,000 total for this state, Amazonas, and in neighboring Roraima, all having originated with infected Venezuelans who crossed into Brazil, the Health Ministry said. Twelve people have died. Elainy Portela worries that her 18-month-old daughter Manuela will be exposed to diseases carried by Venezuelan refugees to her hometown of Manaus, Brazil. Photo: Bruno Kelly for The Wall Street Journal “I understand that Venezuelans are not coming here out of choice, but we need to think of our own protection, […]