New York — HollyFrontier bumped up the amount of sour crude processed in its Permian Basin-fed Navajo refinery in Artesia, New Mexico, in the first quarter of 2019 to 75% of its slate due the lightening of the barrel in the Delaware Basin, company executives said Thursday. Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now HollyFrontier’s 110,000 b/d Navajo refinery receives all its crude from the Permian, and the lightening of the barrel for Delaware Basin crudes means more West Texas Sour is needed to blend down the West Texas Intermediate, widening the discount WTI holds to WTS in the second quarter. In Q1, light, sweet grades fell to 16% of the refinery’s slate from 31% run in Q1 2018, when sour crude comprised 60% of the slate. “Where we do business in the Delaware Basin, we see a lot more light crudes coming on […]