This logic may seem disjointed and even a little pithy, but there are parallels that run far deeper than you may think. Typewriters evolved into the new world of word processors. Can oil companies transform themselves, evolving their processes and products into the new world of competitive energy systems, lower commodity prices, and lower carbon emissions? In fact, it’s already happening. Progressive oil and gas companies are improving their products and processes. But first, let me tell you a story about an oil company that used to make typewriters. What? Yes, an oil company once did make typewriters, none other than Exxon Office Systems. The multinational oil giant decided to venture into the business of manufacturing words in the mid-1970s, during the unsettled era of oil price shocks. Back then, much like today, environmental regulations were pressuring the business. Nuclear power was viewed a disruptive threat. So, maybe Exxon’s […]