At CES 2019 last week, NVIDIA showcased DRIVE Localization—an open, scalable platform for vehicles to position themselves on high-definition maps with unprecedented robustness and accuracy, using mass-market sensors. It’s vital for a self-driving car to be able to pinpoint its location within centimeters so it can understand its surroundings and establish a sense of the road and lane structures. This enables it to detect when a lane is forking or merging, plan lane changes and determine lane paths even when markings aren’t clear. DRIVE Localization makes that precise positioning possible by matching semantic landmarks in the vehicle’s environment with features from HD maps to determine exactly where it is in real time. By leveraging mass-market sensors the platform is cost effective, enabling use in personal cars. At the core of DRIVE Localization is the NVIDIA DRIVE Xavier SoC, the world’s first auto-grade processor dedicated to autonomous driving. Architected to […]