Venezuela has released six Citgo executives who were arrested and sent to jail on charges of corruption two years ago, Reuters reports , citing unnamed sources. The prison sentences have apparently been replaced with house arrest, the source said. The executives—all of them U.S. citizens, five of them with dual citizenship—were first arrested in 2017 and were only brought to court in the middle of 2019, after 18 months in prison. During that hearing, the presiding judge accepted the prosecution’s request for a trial on corruption charges without setting a date. At the time of the arrest, U.S. authorities requested that its nationals be released, but Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro refused, saying “These are people born in Venezuela, they’re Venezuelan and they’re going to be judged for being corrupt, thieving traitors.” According to opposition sources, however, the arrests were not about corruption, but about infighting in the Communist Party […]