Rolls-Royce plans to install by 2029 mini nuclear reactors in the UK that would be built in factories and delivered in modules, the chief technology officer of Britain’s industrial technology manufacturer told the BBC . “The trick is to have prefabricated parts where we use advanced digital welding methods and robotic assembly and then parts are shipped to site and bolted together,” Rolls-Royce’s chief technology officer Paul Stein told the BBC’s Today program. For several years, Rolls-Royce has been leading a UK consortium for the so-called Small Modular Reactor (SMR) program to manufacture and deliver mini reactors. According to Rolls-Royce, the SMR design makes those reactors so compact that they can be transported by truck, train, or even barge. Once fully developed, the so-called small modular reactors (SMRs) could be manufactured in factories and transported to site, the UK government said. SMRs are smaller than conventional nuclear power station […]