EU Green Deal, German’s Climate Protection Law could mean rise in renewable fuel targets EU 2020 biofuels demand seen at 426,000 b/d up 7.8% on year EC planning to review all EU laws for alignment with 2050 net-zero carbon target Germany’s Climate Protection Package and the EU’s Green Deal were the main topics discussed at the Fuels of the Future event in Berlin this week. There is a sense of urgency about the transition of mobility in view of the EU’s 2050 goals of a net-zero carbon econom y. Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now There was a clear consensus that a mix of various renewable energy sources is required to meet the EU target, and biofuels will play a crucial role. This includes first-generation biofuels, which are capped this year at 7% of total fuel demand under the Renewable Energy Directive. […]