Total vehicle miles traveled (VMT) by all vehicles in the United States vary greatly across the individual states. The latest annual data from the Federal Highway Administration show that in 2018 the maximum (348,796 million miles in California) was 94.5 times greater than the minimum (3,691 million miles in the District of Columbia). The top and bottom 10 states are presented in the table below. Screen Shot 2020-01-20 at 9.07.14 AM Because total VMT depends, in part, on the size of the population, of interest in this study was the variation among the states in vehicle miles traveled per person (VMT per person). The calculations used the total VMT by all vehicles from the above-cited source (the Federal Highway Administration ) and the resident populations from the U.S. Census Bureau . The data apply to 2018. The results are presented in the table below. Screen Shot 2020-01-20 at 9.34.58 […]